*maybe it will sound a bit cliche,. but its true,.
Love is about accepting ur partner the way he/she is.
a movie said :
"klu kmu nyari yg lbh baik dr pasangan kmu. Ada bnyk d luar sana. Klu nyari kecocokan ampe cocok bgt jg gk bkl nemu, krn sharusny itu kalian saling menghormati n nrima. Tp klu kmu nglied pasangan kmu seutuhny, lebih n kurangny. Kmu bkl blg dy itu uda pas bgt."
dats how i feel bout u before.
i accept u the way u r.
now i realize,. dats me, not u.
dats not how u feel bout me,.
ingin menulis sesuatu d sni,. supaya kmu tawu,. supaya kmu ngerti,. supaya kmu..
gimana kecewa ny aku,.
sgtu kecewa ny aku,.
sm kmu.
Man's language of love?????
it said dat man are the type that speak trough actions rather than words. it's time to girls to learn that language.
maybe i do really have 2 learn MOREEE bout dis,.
and man should learn MORE too bout dat sometimes girls need u 2 tell dem how u feel bout her,. i know its kinda "movie", but sometimes speak wif words is important. not just about by doing, keeping her safe or caring.
bknny pgn d gombal,.
but wen u did things den u tell her how u feel,.
4 her, its completely a perfect moment dat she will always remember.
trust me.
i'm sure dat all girls agree with me ahahahahahhhh
krn ini masalah stiap wanita :D
yeaaah,. we both should learn more bout the other opposite's language,.
^ ^
just a thought,.
its been 2 months,.
masii aj kpikiran ini,,,,,,
gk ada jg yg brubh,.
i thought i was gud.
i thought i've changed a lot.
tp ttp aj,.
uda brkali2 menanyakan hal yg sm dan brakhir dgn jwbn yg sma. malah gk ada jwbn ahahahhh.
huuuufh. kecewa sangad kali ini.
husssh,. hussssh,. pergi,. gk mw mikirin ini lg,. gk mw sedih lg,.
i hate dis feeling.
KKN?? uhuuiiyyy!!!! X(
deng,. deng,. deng,.
pengumuman kkn uda kluar,.
dan ak dpt ny diiiiiiiiiii,.
>>> kabupaten : Agam, kecamatan : baso, kampung : 3 kampuang.
dimana kah itu???
td jg nyari pake google earth, tp gk nemu hueheheeheeee
kt temen n siy papa sih,. itu tmpt ny dkt bkittinggi, dingiiiiin bgt,.
seinget ak baso itu tmpt ikan gede yg makan kerupuk sama pensi [wkt kecil prnh ksna ahahah]. Jd kekuatiran siy bebeb ak bkl mandi d sungai kykny gk perlu lg [tenang sayang, ak gk bkl mandi d sungai kok, paling d tabek "kolam" ikan eheheh :D ]
pasangan sehidup semati saia, laura noviani dpt ny jg agam, tp dy d kampung sebelah. jd kata lora ak ma dy bru bs ktemu klu pemuda kampung ak n pemuda kampung dia tanding bola ahahahahaahh ato ada pasar malam :D
huuiihh,. jd gadis ndeso 40 hari,.
ktny klu sial bisa aj dpt kampung yg sinyal hape tuh langka. bisa mampus ak hidup tanpa hape. gmn cara ny brhub ma org2???? scara ak d kelilingi ma org2 yg gk ak kenaaal,. gmn bs ak hidup 40 hr tnpa dgr suara bebeb saiaaaaa [duuuw lebaaaiiiyy,. manjaaa heheheh :P ]
y Allah,. smoga aman selamat sentosa dalam mengarungi kkn nanti,.
smoga gk d pelet sm ank pak kepala desa yg pny tabek 4 bh n sawah 5 hektar [sok laku. heheh :P]
yah,. 40 hari itu mariiii berlibuuuurrrr,. main sawah n main brsama ternak2,. scara kuliah ny ada tntg ternak ahahahahhh
untunglah abis kkn puasa n lebaran. jd hepi mikirin ny :)
come come september come,. cant wait 2 c u honeeeyyy,.
^ ^
.,best quotes,.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"....
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile :)
You have to take the good with the bad,
and smile with the sad,
love what you got,
remember what you had.
always forgive but never forget,
people change, things go wrong,
but just remember that Life Goes On.
Don't ever give up if you still want to try,
don't wipe your eyes if you still want to cry,
don't stop asking questions if you want to know why,
and don't say you don't love him, if you can't even say goodbye.
We hide because we want to be found,
we walk away to see who follows us,
and we let our hearts get broken, to see who cares enough to fix it.
Theres a point in your life when you get tired of chasing everyone
& trying to fix everything.
But its not giving up ...
It's realizing that you dont need certain people
& the drama they bring.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
The teenage years are the best years of our lives.
Even though there's tons of drama, tears & heartbreaks,
there's also friends that you trust & will never leave your side..
there's the boy who whenever you see you get butterflies in your stomach..
there's parties & breaking the rules.
Now tell me, at what other point in your life are you going to be able to have all those things at once???
When there's something you want fight for it.
don't give up-no matter how hopeless it seems,
even when you've lost hope,
cause years from now you're gonna look back and wish you gave it one more shot because the best things in life don't come easy.
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past,
stop planning the future,
stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel,
sometimes we just have to go with whatever happens, happens.
In life, God does not give you the people you want.
He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, to love you, to make you laugh...
to make you... exactly the person you should be.
Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true.
you know it's the greatest moment of your life
and you get to experience it with one person.
who's standing next to you???
When you are in relationship with someone its not about living with the person you love, but living with the person you can't live without.
how much love u have 4 ur parent?????
Td papa nelpon. papa blg lg d pertemuan dokter bedah d Pekanbaru. Nanyain kabar trus nanyain perkembangan blajar bwt the next exam (URRRGGHH!!!, hate dis exam so much.) den i asked him have he transferred the money 4 my living (4 dis month.) trus sambil becanda papa blg,. "masa papa trus transfer k kakak, kakak lah skali2 transfer k papa,."
ak jawab sambil bercanda, "kan kmrn Q uda plg smbil bawa S.Ked ny bwt papa,."
papa sambil ketawa lg blg "Bru S.Ked , blum bisa d jual tuw. Blum bs praktek,."
trus ak jawab lg "hehehe stidak ny q nyelesain S.Ked ny gk slama papa, cm 3,5 taun. tar dee klu uda jd dokter Q bayar smua utang2 Q k papa."
Trus papa blg lg "Bneeeerrr? smua utang2 kakak dr kakak kecil,. bnyk tuh,. bayar utang es krim walls aj kakak gk bisa,. dlu kan kakak tiap walls lewat ngerengek2 minta beli walls,. tiap hari walls lewat, tiap hari jg beli walls. hahahaa. bs kakak gnti tuw??"
i suddenly shocked with dat answer,. ak,. ntahlah uda lupa sama kebiasaan kecil tuw,. ntah knp papa masi inged,. jd flashback,.
dlu wkt masi kecil ak suka bgt sama ice cream,. especially walls. trus ada kebiasaan,. (ak jg bru inged ma kebiasaan ini saking lamany) dr papa dulu. wkt kecil klu beli walls pake tingkatan,. maksudny, wktu masi Sd, ak boleh ny cm beli paddlepop, gk bole yg lain. krn kata papa ank kecil tuw mkn ny paddle pop, yg lain bwt org besar, pdhl ak pengeeeeeeen bgt mkn magnum, it look really delicious to me :P trus gedean dkit, d bolehin mkn feast ma papa, but still magnum gk boleh hahahaaa trus, boleh mkn conello, and still magnum gk boleh. and den pas ak bru masuk kuliah krmn si adek triak2 pas walls lewad, ak cm nitip aj beli kyk biasa (wkt itu lg suka ma walls yg cup, ak lupa apa nmny,.) dan yg keluar si papa ma adek bwt beli walls and guess what, daddy bought me magnum, same with him. he gave dat 2 me and he said dat i'm old enough now 2 eat magnum hahahahaaaaa wkt itu makanny pake perasaan klu ak uda gedeeee bgt, seneng tak terkira lah pokoknya,. hehehehee :P
ak bnr2 heran knp papa masi inged smua ini,. ini uda lama bgt,.
yah,. mgkin bner kt mama, i'm still his little girl sampe kapan pun,. watever klu nantiny i'm someone's wife,. ini jg nge jawab knp papa slalu masi meluk, nyium, dan manjain aku (i hope i'm not a spoiled brat now heheee). n ini bkn k ak aj, tp smua ank2ny,. he just cant stop showing how much he loves us.
okeeey,. enough 4 the flashback thing,. malumalu hehehe :P
intiny, cm mu blg klu people r soooo rite,. sayang orgtua itu gk bkl prnh stop. ak mikir ini smua cm hal kecil, bkl ilang brlalu ny waktu,.. ak gk tw klu papa masi inged,. 4 me, its like he's trying to tell me dat he will never stop rememberring me, loving me, his daughter,.
oooh,. i love my parent soooooooooo much,.
wish i could really find way 2 pay all their love back,.
okaaaaay,. off dlu, mu mkn magnum :P