Td kan mkn sm lora d restoran gtuuw. trus ada rombongan ibu2 crewet yg bnyk gaya duduk d blkg kursi ak. pokony bnyk minta ny deh. kasian mbak2 pelayanNy. gaya ny jg sok tajir smua. jijay lah. ada 2 hal yg mintaaa ampuuun bgt sama ibu2 ini,.
yg pertama :
ibu 1 : mbak mbak ini kok pesanan saya beda sama ibu ini? (tny si ibu k pelayan krn ngelied makanan temenny yg beda ma dy.)
mbak2 pelayan : ibu td mesenny apa?
ibu 1 : somay. tp kok ini temen saya ada kerupuk2 ny gtu?
mbak2 pelayan : oooh. tmn ibu ini kan td mesenny batagor. ibu kan mesenny somay. klu batagor ada krupuk2ny gtu buk.
ibu 1 : (dgn nyantainy) oooh. itu batagor yah. saya kan gk tawu mbak.
*ak sama lora ngango dengerny. si ibu ini dr negara mana sih, batagor aj gk tawu.
scene 2 :
ibu 2 : (ngomong sama ankny) gk kmu gk boleh mkn somay. pedes. kmu mkn nasi goreng aj.
ankny : gk mauuu!! ak mau ny somay.
ibu 2 : gk boleh. kmu turutin mama!!
ankny : gak.
ibu 2 : (pasang muka serius.) gak boleh. ARE YOU UNDERSTAND!?!?
ankny : yes. (sambil merengut.)
ibu 2 : Good.
trus si ibu 1 nglied ibu 2 dgn muka penuh kagum. Gk ngrti jg maksud pandangan kagum itu apa.
*ak ama lora sakit perut nahan ketawa. pantesan indonesia gk make english bwt bahasa k 2 ny kyk malaysia.
ck,. ck,. ck,.
eniwei td mlm debat capres seru yah, kyk lg nonton republik mimpi saking lucu ny ahahahahaa bwt saia yg paling yahuuudd itu waktu adegan kalla sm mega. kira2 gni deh dialogny,.
mega : kalau pak jusuf kalla itu dulu karna ikut kerja sama saya,. (wkt bu mega masi jd presiden.)
kalla : wkt itu kerja saya bagus kan buk? (wkt itu kalla jd menko kesra)
mega : (dgn nyanteny n muka tak berdosa.) YA ENGGAK DOOONNGGG...
pasti pak jusuf kalla malu bgt. penonton ktawa ngakak. Pak SBY senyum2 ahahahahahhhh
sekian deh postingan skrg. mksh uda baca yg gk pnting ini huehehehh
LANJUTKAN!!!!! ♥ ♥
^ ^
postingan gk pnting :P
sial. perasaan macam apa ini!?
knp jg menghampiri!
kacau rasanya.
ich vermisse dich.
if i fell in luv with yooouuuuuu... :)
sukaaaaaa bgt ma lagu ini semenjak nonton ACROSS THE UNIVERSE :)
great movie. great songs. krn film ini d dedicated kan bwt the beatles. jd smua lagu d film ini lagu2 ny the beatles d nyanyiin ulang.
for me, lagu ini yg paling best. so i would like 2 share it. enjooooy., :)
luv dis song muchmuch ^ ^
If I fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
'cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands
If I give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than her*
If I trust in you, oh please
Don't run and hide
If I love you too, oh please
Don't hurt my pride like her*
'cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
Would love to love you...
If I fell in love with you
*berhub ini lagu asliny punya the beatles. makany itu kata2ny "HER". So, NOPE. si rachel ini straight, bkn lebian. ehehehh.
P.S : if i fell in love with you bebb,,. oh noo wait,. i already fall for you. ehehh ;)
i LOVE JUNE!!!!!!
br jg tgl 12,.
10 june : daddy's brthday. hepi brthdaiiy papahsayang
12 june : which is today, bebebb's brthday trustrus si adek lulus ITB!!!!
^ ^
smoga smua kbahagiaan ini brlanjut. Smoga HARUS lulus kompre term k 2 ntar. AMIIIN.
*dis is wat i want from my life, cm ini tujuan hidup ku. seneng. bahagia.
i really dont need a perfect life, just a happy one :)
thnk God. trimakasih Allah. alhamdulillah.
td si papa nelpon,. papa blg ini kado paling hebaaat dr smua ultah papa. ank ny lulus ITB. papa blg ak harus lulus kompre ntar, biar kado ultah papa lengkap. ak lgsg ngrasa geblek bgt yak jd kakak. yg paling tua justru ak yg males2an gni. hahahahh. sudasuda hrs brusaha jauh lbh keras k dpnny.
heppy belated birthday daarrlliinggggg :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag bebebb,.
heppy brthdaaayyy,.
slamat hari lahiiiiiirrrrr,.
^ ^
selalu sangad sayang kamu donny ku :)

(again) just a thought.
' God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one. So that when we finally do meet the right person. We will know how to be greatful for the gift of love we find in each other.'
si bebebb crita tntg tmnny yg bru putus. they used 2 love each other so much. but they decided 2 take a break 4 a while bcoz they both lg sibuk2 ny. mreka masi brhubungan. suddenly the man with another girl. just like dat. he just TOTALLY 4get all bout her. Pdhl kmrn putus ny alasanny cm krn lg sm2 sibuk, jd drpd klahi trus. break aj dlu.
i bet the girl pasti bnr2 broke into pieces.
i ever at dat girl place. being left 4 someone else. it really hurt like hell. being dump just like dat. kyk ak gk brarti apa2.
at dat time, i wondeer,. [cewek itu jg pasti mikir hal yg sma] knp cowok stega itu? knp cowok bgtu mudah ngelupain?
ak jg prnh baca survey, abis putus jangka waktu cowok nglupain mantanny n brhub ma cewek lain itu paling lama 1 bulan!! itu riset, yg jawab 83%. Pdhl klu cewek bisa ampe brtahun2.
Td jg nonton d'show d trans tv, tntg selingkuh. D tanyain sapa yg prnh d selingkuhin k penonton, yg tunjuk tgn paling bnyk CEWEK. trus pas prtanyaan sapa yg prnh walo skali aj selingkuh, guess wat,. yg plg bnyk tunjuk tgn itu COWOK.
apa bner cowok itu mang makhluk yg paling susah bwt setia????
why cant u just stick 2 one woman 4 the rest of ur life???
ak bknny nge judge smua cowok kyk gni,. tp memang flirting itu sifat dasar cowok yg gk bs d tawar lg. the temptation is just too high rite boys?? ahahahh tp knp cowok itu bru bs setia abis brpetualang cinta yg lamaaaa bgt, bru mikir bwt setia. knp gk mikir dr awal sih???
ak jg tawu klu cowok yg setia, setia ny bs setiiiaaaa bgt. i have friends like dis. ampe nangis2 waktu putus ma cewek ny. ehehehh, ak bnr2 standing aplause dee bwt cowok yg setia gini.
bwt cowok yg gk setia d luar sana n masi kpikiran bwt brpetualang cinta trus nyakitin cewek2,, coba mikir, gmn klu kmu yg d gtuin?? gmn klu adk ato kakak cewek kmu yg d gtuin ma cowok ny ato mama kmu d slingkuhin papa kmu??? think about dat 4 a moment.
we're girls.
we're human just like you.
and we have heart.
oiah,. back 2 the topic,. mgkin jg,. krn sifat cowok yg gtuw lah, mkny putus. krn kyk quotes yg d atas td, mgkin aj abis nemu cowok yg salah, yg nyakitin kmu ini. abis itu kmu nemu cowok yg jauuuhhh lebih baik. krn in the end u'll marry the perfect one. the man. cheer up girl!! :)
ak ngrasa brsyukur bgt skrg pny dy. scara klu dlu ak gk putus, i'll never meet him rite? i'm really tired with lies, cheating and all the never ending drama. and 4 now i'm so glad he promise me he'll be faithful. coz i promise him dat too. in the end, trserah Allah aj lg.
eniweiiiiyyzz,. brhub ini blog tntg betapa unfaithful ny boys can be,.
ak mu ngutip lirik lagu ny Beyonce yg IF I WERE A BOY,.
enjooooyyy :)