mellow in the mood,.

tell me everything i want to know
tell me everything, i dont want to miss a thing
ask me anything that you always wondered
ask me anything,.
ask me why i did what i did before i knew you
i'm so sry for who i was before i knew you
but it's not me, it's someone else,. i dont even recognize her anymore now
i am who i am now,
i am who i am when i'm with you,. when i have you here
ask me and i'll tell you
tell me and i'll listen
listen to me and i'll tell you things
let me tell you things and i'll love you
let me love you and i'll keep you here
let me keep you here and i will be faithfull to you
and i can promise you, i'll make you happy
and if you don't want to be here, tell me
i won't hold on forever, i'll let you go if u want to go
tell me and i'll let you go
and if thats really wat u want at dat time
then i would never again ask you
beg you to stay here,. with me,.

.,miss miss miss,.

sayang, cepat pulaaaanngggg,.

miserable,. down,. pathetic..


feel so worst,. gagal,. bnr2 gk mudah bgt bwt nrimanya trnyata,. i thought i was gud,. i thought i could pass it,. but i DIDNT,. 

i'm so bad at acceptance of failure,. i'm not gud at it,. apa pun,. in my life's goals or relationship with people,. i'm soo not gud at it,.

ak takut gagal,. i feel like the world hates me,. God hates me,. and i'm going to fail again and again,. :(

i want 2 reach dis,. i HAVE TO reach dis goal. But i'm scared dat i cant,. wat if the real thing is actually i'm not be able to reach dis goal,. i dont have it,. the skill, the brain,. oh maii,.

here i am,. back 2 the old me,. full with negative energy,. my friend call it >> pembunuhan karakter hahaa :(

they said, kegagalan adalah kesuksesan yg trtunda,. or its not dat bad, its just God has another plan 4 me, trust it,.

i hope dey r rite,. coz dats all is wat i'm trying 2 believe and trust rite now,. yeah, i have 2 move on,. i have 2 pass the 2nd exam,. i HAVE TO,.

okaaaayy, enough crying,. face the future,. mli dr niat yg bnr2 serius klu pgn lulus den usaha yg bnr2 maksimal trus doa ma ibadah yg bnr2 tulus n rutin,. bkn krn lagi butuh DY aj,.


>> mncoba ngebkin positive mind set,. heheeee,.


smoga smua keakinan n positif mood ini brtahan,. amiiiiiiiiiiiin,.

God,. pliiis help me dis time,. i really need you..

OH maaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,.............

i'm definitely not feeling GOOD, WELL or OKAY.

oh mai,.

maag kmbuh, mual, diare,.


smoga lulus.


(walo kecil kmungkinan.)

but i'm still hoping,. God i really need miracle,.

cm pgn bkin papa seneng,.



Masi seperti yg dlu,.

trnyata kmu masi syg,.
trnyta kmu tak begitu,.
trnyta ak masi pny kmu,.
sungguh ak tak ingin lg merasakan perih itu.
sungguh ak tak mau mrasakan kehilangan itu lg.

LOVING thiisss.. :)

hahahaaaaa uda jam 4.46 am masi blum tdur,. masi sindron insomnia niy dr sminggu lalu. parahparah. [tontonan wajib : MTV insomnia. hahahahaa :D]

eh td sambil memaksakan diri blajar sbnrny, scara uda sminggu lbh gk nyentuh bhn kompre itu lagi,. huuks,. ;(

trus krn kasur suda trlihat menggoda d mata iseng2 buka youtube,. nemu instrumental twilight yg si cullen main piano itu lho,. tp ini yg versi asli ny,. judul asli ny river flows in you,.

baguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus bgtbgtbgt,.
dgrny bkin merinding,. romantiiis bgt,. [beuh, bahasany hehee :D ]

uda lama gk dgr instrumental bagus,. :)

[jd kgen si papa :( dr kecil d paksa papa siy dgr lagu2 gni. hehee.]

ini saia post,.

selamat mndengarkan sajaaaaaaa,.

God, i love dis!!!! :)

eniwei, td nyoba bahas2 soal,. hufh. SUSAH. Pasrah udah. Smoga lulus yAllah. Pgn bgtbgt bkin papa seneng, bangga. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

y sudaLah.

y suda lah,.
ak nyerah. salah terus. nyerah.
smua salah.
give up. nyerah.
sayang dy bgt.
tp kyk ny gk prnh cukup ak bwt dy.
gk prnh brarti, gk prnh cukup, masi aj ada yg kurang.
stres ak, stgh gila.
salah terus ak bwt dy.
i've tried 2 change.
tp ttp aj,.
he didnt see that,.
nope. he doesnt want 2 see that.
i'm not a perfect woman and he is not a perfect man either.
but i try,. i try 2 change just 4 him,. ONLY 4 him.
oh my, i'm getting frustated with this.
y sudalah,.
skrg jg uda gk brarti lg,.
uda gk mgkin lg..
ak gk mgkin lg brubh bwt org yg sama sekali gk syg ma ak,.
gk mungkin.