“Anger is natural. It's part of the force. You just have to learn to hang out with it.” Tori Amos quotes
akhir2 ini ntah knp, ak sering bgt marah2. Dkit2 ngomel. Dikit2 marah. its not gud. I know. but i really cant control it. i know, dr dlu ak jg antagonis n sinis orgny. i'm not proud of it actually. but now, its getting worse. Ak skrg bhkn bs terang2an nunjukin kesal sm org and sometimes it just because a small things that i should just let it. I hate my self rite now. i'm loosing it. i'm loosing my self.
i really need a better anger management. i really need help rite mow i guess. i need to control this anger before it controls me and destroy my life..
i am so pathetic and full of anger. i'm so not proud with it. please help..
Itu sih minta dielus, tapi malah digampar
6 tahun yang lalu
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