SOMEBODY PLIIS BUY ME THAT SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* walo gk tawu mu d pake kmna spatu itu d padang ahahahahhh but i want it!!
i want theseee!!!!!
Tinggal brserah pasrah dan banyak berdoa.
Akhirny selesai juga ujian kompre term k 2 saya MCQ n OSCE.
Y ALLAH tolong d lulus kan.
Saya pengen cepet2 coass trus tamat jd dokter kluar dr padang kota nyebelin ini lalu bekerja.
Spesialis?? tunggu deh nikah dlu ehehehh ;)
suda tak sanggup lagi lama2 dsni.
pgn bkin papa bangga.
Cm ini yg bs ak kasih bwt papa.
postingan gk pnting :P
Td kan mkn sm lora d restoran gtuuw. trus ada rombongan ibu2 crewet yg bnyk gaya duduk d blkg kursi ak. pokony bnyk minta ny deh. kasian mbak2 pelayanNy. gaya ny jg sok tajir smua. jijay lah. ada 2 hal yg mintaaa ampuuun bgt sama ibu2 ini,.
yg pertama :
ibu 1 : mbak mbak ini kok pesanan saya beda sama ibu ini? (tny si ibu k pelayan krn ngelied makanan temenny yg beda ma dy.)
mbak2 pelayan : ibu td mesenny apa?
ibu 1 : somay. tp kok ini temen saya ada kerupuk2 ny gtu?
mbak2 pelayan : oooh. tmn ibu ini kan td mesenny batagor. ibu kan mesenny somay. klu batagor ada krupuk2ny gtu buk.
ibu 1 : (dgn nyantainy) oooh. itu batagor yah. saya kan gk tawu mbak.
*ak sama lora ngango dengerny. si ibu ini dr negara mana sih, batagor aj gk tawu.
scene 2 :
ibu 2 : (ngomong sama ankny) gk kmu gk boleh mkn somay. pedes. kmu mkn nasi goreng aj.
ankny : gk mauuu!! ak mau ny somay.
ibu 2 : gk boleh. kmu turutin mama!!
ankny : gak.
ibu 2 : (pasang muka serius.) gak boleh. ARE YOU UNDERSTAND!?!?
ankny : yes. (sambil merengut.)
ibu 2 : Good.
trus si ibu 1 nglied ibu 2 dgn muka penuh kagum. Gk ngrti jg maksud pandangan kagum itu apa.
*ak ama lora sakit perut nahan ketawa. pantesan indonesia gk make english bwt bahasa k 2 ny kyk malaysia.
ck,. ck,. ck,.
eniwei td mlm debat capres seru yah, kyk lg nonton republik mimpi saking lucu ny ahahahahaa bwt saia yg paling yahuuudd itu waktu adegan kalla sm mega. kira2 gni deh dialogny,.
mega : kalau pak jusuf kalla itu dulu karna ikut kerja sama saya,. (wkt bu mega masi jd presiden.)
kalla : wkt itu kerja saya bagus kan buk? (wkt itu kalla jd menko kesra)
mega : (dgn nyanteny n muka tak berdosa.) YA ENGGAK DOOONNGGG...
pasti pak jusuf kalla malu bgt. penonton ktawa ngakak. Pak SBY senyum2 ahahahahahhhh
sekian deh postingan skrg. mksh uda baca yg gk pnting ini huehehehh
LANJUTKAN!!!!! ♥ ♥
^ ^
sial. perasaan macam apa ini!?
knp jg menghampiri!
kacau rasanya.
ich vermisse dich.
if i fell in luv with yooouuuuuu... :)
sukaaaaaa bgt ma lagu ini semenjak nonton ACROSS THE UNIVERSE :)
great movie. great songs. krn film ini d dedicated kan bwt the beatles. jd smua lagu d film ini lagu2 ny the beatles d nyanyiin ulang.
for me, lagu ini yg paling best. so i would like 2 share it. enjooooy., :)
luv dis song muchmuch ^ ^
If I fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
'cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands
If I give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than her*
If I trust in you, oh please
Don't run and hide
If I love you too, oh please
Don't hurt my pride like her*
'cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
Would love to love you...
If I fell in love with you
*berhub ini lagu asliny punya the beatles. makany itu kata2ny "HER". So, NOPE. si rachel ini straight, bkn lebian. ehehehh.
P.S : if i fell in love with you bebb,,. oh noo wait,. i already fall for you. ehehh ;)
i LOVE JUNE!!!!!!
br jg tgl 12,.
10 june : daddy's brthday. hepi brthdaiiy papahsayang
12 june : which is today, bebebb's brthday trustrus si adek lulus ITB!!!!
^ ^
smoga smua kbahagiaan ini brlanjut. Smoga HARUS lulus kompre term k 2 ntar. AMIIIN.
*dis is wat i want from my life, cm ini tujuan hidup ku. seneng. bahagia.
i really dont need a perfect life, just a happy one :)
thnk God. trimakasih Allah. alhamdulillah.
td si papa nelpon,. papa blg ini kado paling hebaaat dr smua ultah papa. ank ny lulus ITB. papa blg ak harus lulus kompre ntar, biar kado ultah papa lengkap. ak lgsg ngrasa geblek bgt yak jd kakak. yg paling tua justru ak yg males2an gni. hahahahh. sudasuda hrs brusaha jauh lbh keras k dpnny.
heppy belated birthday daarrlliinggggg :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag bebebb,.
heppy brthdaaayyy,.
slamat hari lahiiiiiirrrrr,.
^ ^
selalu sangad sayang kamu donny ku :)

(again) just a thought.
' God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one. So that when we finally do meet the right person. We will know how to be greatful for the gift of love we find in each other.'
si bebebb crita tntg tmnny yg bru putus. they used 2 love each other so much. but they decided 2 take a break 4 a while bcoz they both lg sibuk2 ny. mreka masi brhubungan. suddenly the man with another girl. just like dat. he just TOTALLY 4get all bout her. Pdhl kmrn putus ny alasanny cm krn lg sm2 sibuk, jd drpd klahi trus. break aj dlu.
i bet the girl pasti bnr2 broke into pieces.
i ever at dat girl place. being left 4 someone else. it really hurt like hell. being dump just like dat. kyk ak gk brarti apa2.
at dat time, i wondeer,. [cewek itu jg pasti mikir hal yg sma] knp cowok stega itu? knp cowok bgtu mudah ngelupain?
ak jg prnh baca survey, abis putus jangka waktu cowok nglupain mantanny n brhub ma cewek lain itu paling lama 1 bulan!! itu riset, yg jawab 83%. Pdhl klu cewek bisa ampe brtahun2.
Td jg nonton d'show d trans tv, tntg selingkuh. D tanyain sapa yg prnh d selingkuhin k penonton, yg tunjuk tgn paling bnyk CEWEK. trus pas prtanyaan sapa yg prnh walo skali aj selingkuh, guess wat,. yg plg bnyk tunjuk tgn itu COWOK.
apa bner cowok itu mang makhluk yg paling susah bwt setia????
why cant u just stick 2 one woman 4 the rest of ur life???
ak bknny nge judge smua cowok kyk gni,. tp memang flirting itu sifat dasar cowok yg gk bs d tawar lg. the temptation is just too high rite boys?? ahahahh tp knp cowok itu bru bs setia abis brpetualang cinta yg lamaaaa bgt, bru mikir bwt setia. knp gk mikir dr awal sih???
ak jg tawu klu cowok yg setia, setia ny bs setiiiaaaa bgt. i have friends like dis. ampe nangis2 waktu putus ma cewek ny. ehehehh, ak bnr2 standing aplause dee bwt cowok yg setia gini.
bwt cowok yg gk setia d luar sana n masi kpikiran bwt brpetualang cinta trus nyakitin cewek2,, coba mikir, gmn klu kmu yg d gtuin?? gmn klu adk ato kakak cewek kmu yg d gtuin ma cowok ny ato mama kmu d slingkuhin papa kmu??? think about dat 4 a moment.
we're girls.
we're human just like you.
and we have heart.
oiah,. back 2 the topic,. mgkin jg,. krn sifat cowok yg gtuw lah, mkny putus. krn kyk quotes yg d atas td, mgkin aj abis nemu cowok yg salah, yg nyakitin kmu ini. abis itu kmu nemu cowok yg jauuuhhh lebih baik. krn in the end u'll marry the perfect one. the man. cheer up girl!! :)
ak ngrasa brsyukur bgt skrg pny dy. scara klu dlu ak gk putus, i'll never meet him rite? i'm really tired with lies, cheating and all the never ending drama. and 4 now i'm so glad he promise me he'll be faithful. coz i promise him dat too. in the end, trserah Allah aj lg.
eniweiiiiyyzz,. brhub ini blog tntg betapa unfaithful ny boys can be,.
ak mu ngutip lirik lagu ny Beyonce yg IF I WERE A BOY,.
enjooooyyy :)
*maybe it will sound a bit cliche,. but its true,.
Love is about accepting ur partner the way he/she is.
a movie said :
"klu kmu nyari yg lbh baik dr pasangan kmu. Ada bnyk d luar sana. Klu nyari kecocokan ampe cocok bgt jg gk bkl nemu, krn sharusny itu kalian saling menghormati n nrima. Tp klu kmu nglied pasangan kmu seutuhny, lebih n kurangny. Kmu bkl blg dy itu uda pas bgt."
dats how i feel bout u before.
i accept u the way u r.
now i realize,. dats me, not u.
dats not how u feel bout me,.
ingin menulis sesuatu d sni,. supaya kmu tawu,. supaya kmu ngerti,. supaya kmu..
gimana kecewa ny aku,.
sgtu kecewa ny aku,.
sm kmu.
Man's language of love?????
it said dat man are the type that speak trough actions rather than words. it's time to girls to learn that language.
maybe i do really have 2 learn MOREEE bout dis,.
and man should learn MORE too bout dat sometimes girls need u 2 tell dem how u feel bout her,. i know its kinda "movie", but sometimes speak wif words is important. not just about by doing, keeping her safe or caring.
bknny pgn d gombal,.
but wen u did things den u tell her how u feel,.
4 her, its completely a perfect moment dat she will always remember.
trust me.
i'm sure dat all girls agree with me ahahahahahhhh
krn ini masalah stiap wanita :D
yeaaah,. we both should learn more bout the other opposite's language,.
^ ^
just a thought,.
its been 2 months,.
masii aj kpikiran ini,,,,,,
gk ada jg yg brubh,.
i thought i was gud.
i thought i've changed a lot.
tp ttp aj,.
uda brkali2 menanyakan hal yg sm dan brakhir dgn jwbn yg sma. malah gk ada jwbn ahahahhh.
huuuufh. kecewa sangad kali ini.
husssh,. hussssh,. pergi,. gk mw mikirin ini lg,. gk mw sedih lg,.
i hate dis feeling.
KKN?? uhuuiiyyy!!!! X(
deng,. deng,. deng,.
pengumuman kkn uda kluar,.
dan ak dpt ny diiiiiiiiiii,.
>>> kabupaten : Agam, kecamatan : baso, kampung : 3 kampuang.
dimana kah itu???
td jg nyari pake google earth, tp gk nemu hueheheeheeee
kt temen n siy papa sih,. itu tmpt ny dkt bkittinggi, dingiiiiin bgt,.
seinget ak baso itu tmpt ikan gede yg makan kerupuk sama pensi [wkt kecil prnh ksna ahahah]. Jd kekuatiran siy bebeb ak bkl mandi d sungai kykny gk perlu lg [tenang sayang, ak gk bkl mandi d sungai kok, paling d tabek "kolam" ikan eheheh :D ]
pasangan sehidup semati saia, laura noviani dpt ny jg agam, tp dy d kampung sebelah. jd kata lora ak ma dy bru bs ktemu klu pemuda kampung ak n pemuda kampung dia tanding bola ahahahahaahh ato ada pasar malam :D
huuiihh,. jd gadis ndeso 40 hari,.
ktny klu sial bisa aj dpt kampung yg sinyal hape tuh langka. bisa mampus ak hidup tanpa hape. gmn cara ny brhub ma org2???? scara ak d kelilingi ma org2 yg gk ak kenaaal,. gmn bs ak hidup 40 hr tnpa dgr suara bebeb saiaaaaa [duuuw lebaaaiiiyy,. manjaaa heheheh :P ]
y Allah,. smoga aman selamat sentosa dalam mengarungi kkn nanti,.
smoga gk d pelet sm ank pak kepala desa yg pny tabek 4 bh n sawah 5 hektar [sok laku. heheh :P]
yah,. 40 hari itu mariiii berlibuuuurrrr,. main sawah n main brsama ternak2,. scara kuliah ny ada tntg ternak ahahahahhh
untunglah abis kkn puasa n lebaran. jd hepi mikirin ny :)
come come september come,. cant wait 2 c u honeeeyyy,.
^ ^
.,best quotes,.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"....
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile :)
You have to take the good with the bad,
and smile with the sad,
love what you got,
remember what you had.
always forgive but never forget,
people change, things go wrong,
but just remember that Life Goes On.
Don't ever give up if you still want to try,
don't wipe your eyes if you still want to cry,
don't stop asking questions if you want to know why,
and don't say you don't love him, if you can't even say goodbye.
We hide because we want to be found,
we walk away to see who follows us,
and we let our hearts get broken, to see who cares enough to fix it.
Theres a point in your life when you get tired of chasing everyone
& trying to fix everything.
But its not giving up ...
It's realizing that you dont need certain people
& the drama they bring.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
The teenage years are the best years of our lives.
Even though there's tons of drama, tears & heartbreaks,
there's also friends that you trust & will never leave your side..
there's the boy who whenever you see you get butterflies in your stomach..
there's parties & breaking the rules.
Now tell me, at what other point in your life are you going to be able to have all those things at once???
When there's something you want fight for it.
don't give up-no matter how hopeless it seems,
even when you've lost hope,
cause years from now you're gonna look back and wish you gave it one more shot because the best things in life don't come easy.
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past,
stop planning the future,
stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel,
sometimes we just have to go with whatever happens, happens.
In life, God does not give you the people you want.
He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, to love you, to make you laugh...
to make you... exactly the person you should be.
Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true.
you know it's the greatest moment of your life
and you get to experience it with one person.
who's standing next to you???
When you are in relationship with someone its not about living with the person you love, but living with the person you can't live without.
how much love u have 4 ur parent?????
Td papa nelpon. papa blg lg d pertemuan dokter bedah d Pekanbaru. Nanyain kabar trus nanyain perkembangan blajar bwt the next exam (URRRGGHH!!!, hate dis exam so much.) den i asked him have he transferred the money 4 my living (4 dis month.) trus sambil becanda papa blg,. "masa papa trus transfer k kakak, kakak lah skali2 transfer k papa,."
ak jawab sambil bercanda, "kan kmrn Q uda plg smbil bawa S.Ked ny bwt papa,."
papa sambil ketawa lg blg "Bru S.Ked , blum bisa d jual tuw. Blum bs praktek,."
trus ak jawab lg "hehehe stidak ny q nyelesain S.Ked ny gk slama papa, cm 3,5 taun. tar dee klu uda jd dokter Q bayar smua utang2 Q k papa."
Trus papa blg lg "Bneeeerrr? smua utang2 kakak dr kakak kecil,. bnyk tuh,. bayar utang es krim walls aj kakak gk bisa,. dlu kan kakak tiap walls lewat ngerengek2 minta beli walls,. tiap hari walls lewat, tiap hari jg beli walls. hahahaa. bs kakak gnti tuw??"
i suddenly shocked with dat answer,. ak,. ntahlah uda lupa sama kebiasaan kecil tuw,. ntah knp papa masi inged,. jd flashback,.
dlu wkt masi kecil ak suka bgt sama ice cream,. especially walls. trus ada kebiasaan,. (ak jg bru inged ma kebiasaan ini saking lamany) dr papa dulu. wkt kecil klu beli walls pake tingkatan,. maksudny, wktu masi Sd, ak boleh ny cm beli paddlepop, gk bole yg lain. krn kata papa ank kecil tuw mkn ny paddle pop, yg lain bwt org besar, pdhl ak pengeeeeeeen bgt mkn magnum, it look really delicious to me :P trus gedean dkit, d bolehin mkn feast ma papa, but still magnum gk boleh hahahaaa trus, boleh mkn conello, and still magnum gk boleh. and den pas ak bru masuk kuliah krmn si adek triak2 pas walls lewad, ak cm nitip aj beli kyk biasa (wkt itu lg suka ma walls yg cup, ak lupa apa nmny,.) dan yg keluar si papa ma adek bwt beli walls and guess what, daddy bought me magnum, same with him. he gave dat 2 me and he said dat i'm old enough now 2 eat magnum hahahahaaaaa wkt itu makanny pake perasaan klu ak uda gedeeee bgt, seneng tak terkira lah pokoknya,. hehehehee :P
ak bnr2 heran knp papa masi inged smua ini,. ini uda lama bgt,.
yah,. mgkin bner kt mama, i'm still his little girl sampe kapan pun,. watever klu nantiny i'm someone's wife,. ini jg nge jawab knp papa slalu masi meluk, nyium, dan manjain aku (i hope i'm not a spoiled brat now heheee). n ini bkn k ak aj, tp smua ank2ny,. he just cant stop showing how much he loves us.
okeeey,. enough 4 the flashback thing,. malumalu hehehe :P
intiny, cm mu blg klu people r soooo rite,. sayang orgtua itu gk bkl prnh stop. ak mikir ini smua cm hal kecil, bkl ilang brlalu ny waktu,.. ak gk tw klu papa masi inged,. 4 me, its like he's trying to tell me dat he will never stop rememberring me, loving me, his daughter,.
oooh,. i love my parent soooooooooo much,.
wish i could really find way 2 pay all their love back,.
okaaaaay,. off dlu, mu mkn magnum :P

mellow in the mood,.
tell me everything i want to know
tell me everything, i dont want to miss a thing
ask me anything that you always wondered
ask me anything,.
ask me why i did what i did before i knew you
i'm so sry for who i was before i knew you
but it's not me, it's someone else,. i dont even recognize her anymore now
i am who i am now,
i am who i am when i'm with you,. when i have you here
ask me and i'll tell you
tell me and i'll listen
listen to me and i'll tell you things
let me tell you things and i'll love you
let me love you and i'll keep you here
let me keep you here and i will be faithfull to you
and i can promise you, i'll make you happy
and if you don't want to be here, tell me
i won't hold on forever, i'll let you go if u want to go
tell me and i'll let you go
and if thats really wat u want at dat time
then i would never again ask you
beg you to stay here,. with me,.
miserable,. down,. pathetic..
feel so worst,. gagal,. bnr2 gk mudah bgt bwt nrimanya trnyata,. i thought i was gud,. i thought i could pass it,. but i DIDNT,.
i'm so bad at acceptance of failure,. i'm not gud at it,. apa pun,. in my life's goals or relationship with people,. i'm soo not gud at it,.
ak takut gagal,. i feel like the world hates me,. God hates me,. and i'm going to fail again and again,. :(
i want 2 reach dis,. i HAVE TO reach dis goal. But i'm scared dat i cant,. wat if the real thing is actually i'm not be able to reach dis goal,. i dont have it,. the skill, the brain,. oh maii,.
here i am,. back 2 the old me,. full with negative energy,. my friend call it >> pembunuhan karakter hahaa :(
they said, kegagalan adalah kesuksesan yg trtunda,. or its not dat bad, its just God has another plan 4 me, trust it,.
i hope dey r rite,. coz dats all is wat i'm trying 2 believe and trust rite now,. yeah, i have 2 move on,. i have 2 pass the 2nd exam,. i HAVE TO,.
okaaaayy, enough crying,. face the future,. mli dr niat yg bnr2 serius klu pgn lulus den usaha yg bnr2 maksimal trus doa ma ibadah yg bnr2 tulus n rutin,. bkn krn lagi butuh DY aj,.
>> mncoba ngebkin positive mind set,. heheeee,.
smoga smua keakinan n positif mood ini brtahan,. amiiiiiiiiiiiin,.
God,. pliiis help me dis time,. i really need you..
OH maaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,.............
i'm definitely not feeling GOOD, WELL or OKAY.
oh mai,.
maag kmbuh, mual, diare,.
smoga lulus.
(walo kecil kmungkinan.)
but i'm still hoping,. God i really need miracle,.
cm pgn bkin papa seneng,.
Masi seperti yg dlu,.
trnyata kmu masi syg,.
trnyta kmu tak begitu,.
trnyta ak masi pny kmu,.
sungguh ak tak ingin lg merasakan perih itu.
sungguh ak tak mau mrasakan kehilangan itu lg.
LOVING thiisss.. :)
eniwei, td nyoba bahas2 soal,. hufh. SUSAH. Pasrah udah. Smoga lulus yAllah. Pgn bgtbgt bkin papa seneng, bangga. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.
y sudaLah.
oh my, i'm getting frustated with this.
tak brjudul saja....
td mlm mli lagi fase nangis2 darah tgh mlm ny,. mli krasa lg kehilangan ny,. nelpon orng ny gk d angkat,. akhirny nelpon edo [adk saia.], i know,. i sound like a drama queen,. tp saia memang se cengeng itu,. masi susah aj nrima knyataan he's gone. no more gudnite calls,. no more this,. no more that,. oh my,. lgpl 24 jam aj blum,.
abis telpon2an ma adk,. d suruh nyerah aj ma dy,. lepasin aj,. he said he loves me no more anyway,. ak bs ngarep apa lg,. tp ttp nrima knyataan itu susah bgt,.
bgun pagi2, mata bengkak, ngliad hp >> no sms no missed call [bhkn dy gk nyoba bwt nny knp nelpon dy sejuta kali td mlm..] lalu brjanji bwt ngakhirin ni smua, brniat bwt brubah,. mu mli nrima kenyataan,.
nyoba aj ngejauhin pikiran dr dy,. useless,.
akhirny gk tahan lg,. :( sms dy, nny kmi masi ada kemungkinan balikan lg gk?
and he said : dy cm lg pgn sndiri skrg. gk mw ada beban pikiran.
itu penolakan secara halus bkn?
ungkapan "yeah, actually.. i dont love you anymore. plis understand."
nyesal bgt nny itu,. hasilny begini kan. ngrasa teramat sangad gk brarti.
Oh God,. down bgt,.
Oh my,. this broke up thing happened so fast,. gmn bs ak fine with dis??? 2 days ago i still found my life was so wonderfull,. so perfect,. so complete,. dan ak rasa bkl bgtu ampe seterusny. bhkn ak ngrasa i will NEVER listen to broken heart songs ever again,. ak malah kasian ma smua org yg patah hati,. ak ngrasa thnkfull bgt pny hidup kyk gni,. ak uda ngrasa cukup,. [ak ampe nge posting tntg how wonderfull my life is now] ak ngrasa soo hepi,. ntahlah,. tiba2 dlm itungan jam,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. O V E R.
ak bhkn blum smpt siapin diri,. tanpa aba2,. he said its O V E R.
and den someone said 2 me, Allah itu bs ngubah prasaan manusia semudah ngebolak balik telapak tangan.
trus knp tuhan gk mau balikin telapak tgn Ny lagi bwt bkin dy syg ak lagi? setelah sblumny tuhan dgn mudahny balikin telapak tangan Ny ngebikin smua syg ny dy ilang k ak.. kenapaaaaa?????
cape dgerin omongan org.
today :
i finally got my S.Ked [thnk God.]
and... i broke up with him...........................................................................................
few hours ago..
and its.. yes. official,.
without any chances dat we can reconcile again...
he simply told me dat he just loves me no more..
i'm not sure i can b just fine 4 the next few [many] days..
dis is sumting..
and he is someone..
i'm just..
i'm really not okay rite now..
i cried him a river already.. and it just wont stop.. its just soo hard..
yeah i know its not the first time i have to deal with dis kind of thing.. but still...............
God, i screw up sooooo bad dis time.........................................................................
i hope dis is just a nightmare..
i'll wake up,. and everything's going 2 b fine..
he still loves me and we're still a couple like we used 2 be..
dis is just a nightmare..
pliis somebody wake me up....
td iseng2 buka google,. masukin nama si papah.
~~ ini smua krn crita ryan td siang yg nyari nm mama ny d google n he found many link's bout his mum.. jd krn penasaran,. td saia coba jg,.
i enter my dad's name..
debar2 juga nunggu ny heheheeee
i found 3 links bout my dad..
heheheeeeee :D
and dat 3 links r bout his profile as surgeon,.
which made me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud with him,. :)
ah lebaayy heheheee
but yeaaah.. nyenengin aj fakta i can find sumting bout my dad in google :P
oia,. td nyoba masukin nama saia jg d google,.
tp no result hahahahaaaaa :D
nyoba lg masukin yg kiky amalia nurshal,.
(maju terus pantang mundur.hahahha.)
many links,. but its all bout fesbuk,.
poor me,. heheee :(
hey,. try yours,.. :)
the KEYs to make L.D.R work..
Do you wanna know the KEY to make L D R [Long Distance Relationship] work???
[based on my own experience.]
~~ caelah, kyk expert ngomong :P
~~ no,. no,. bukaaan cintaaaaaa..
~~ big no,. no,. no,. bukaaaan jugaaaaa..
~~ NOPE.
any idea????
it is..
~~ yg OL 24 jam kecuali pas tdur.
[yap. me and my Man agree with dis :) truuuuust meeeee!! ]
hehheeeee :P
ingin berSENANGSENANG kembali..
skrg uda ngrasain sumpek bgt.. tp blajarny blon selesai2.. masi bnyk ajah.. pgn bgt liburan.. mainmain.. bgun, mandi, mkn, tdur lg tanpa beban.. [scara skrg rutinitas saia : bgun tdur > blajar. abis makan > blajar. abis mandi > blajar. tiada harii tanpa megang tuh bahan. Eneg sumpah!!] pgn bgt ngrasain bebas, plong.. got nothing 2 worry bout.. tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jalan hidup ny brkata lain [beuuh! bahasany haahaa] ada kompree ini sbntar lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. [PLUS OSCE jugaaaaa. profesooooor tunggu saia d ruangaaaan. uuuh. T.T]
awal ny siiy nyanteenyantee ajaaaa.. klu gk lulus kn masi ada kompre [n OSCE] yg slanjutny, scara yg ngulang blok n yg blon yudisium jg bnyaaaaak bgt.. tp makin dkt gni, makin nglied prsiapan tmn2 yg lain.. kok malah jd tmbh down yaaa? ngrasa paling gk siap, paling goblok, paling oon, dongdong, tolol.. yah, uda jatuh mentalny.. hufhh.. takuut bgt gk lulus, cm bs pasrah, [tp gk mau pasrah], gk mau bkin org2 yg care ma ak kecewa,. pgn bgt bkin papa mama adek2, pacar, bestfrens bangga [skaligus biar mreka bs nyombongin ank gadisny, kakak trsayang, pacar tercinta, bestfrenny k org2. biaar duniaaaa tahuuu. wkwkwkk. g deeeeng :P]
yaaaah.. pgn jg ini smua brakhir,. smua stres ny,. smua pressure ny.. gk sanggup lagii y Allah.. smoga LULUS. AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN.
eniwei, bner bgt siy pacar.. ksalahan ak slama ini adalah >> cm MENGHAPAL. bkn PAHAM. dan ak gk prnh mw nyari tw kenapa gtu, knapa gni.
kmrn mlm d tny2 pacar tntg yg lg ak plajarin n ak jwb ny pake muteeer otaak lama bgt. ampe akhirny si pacar ngomong gtu :( nyesaaaal bgt slama ini cm ngapalin slide kuliah aj, gk prnh nyisain bnyk waktu bwt buka2 buku, sibuk gk jelaaas aj. huufh. nyesal slalu dtg blakangan.
25 random things about me
memang siih suda basi bgt bkin gnian,. hrs ny dr kmrn2 wkt lg sering2ny d tag ma org2,.
tp kmrn2 gk sgtu kurang krjaanny ampe bkin gnian,. heheee
y suuuwww mulaai aaahhh..
1. i love my life noow... with my family, my man, my bestfren.. :) and i really mean it..
coz i had a *damn* bad past and at dat time i think i'm not going 2 b able 2 move on 2 a nu life but i did,. :)
2. Sbnrny gk pgn jd dokter. Dlu pgn ny kuliah psikologi aj ato HI. kan cita2 dr kecil cm 1 "KELILING DUNIA" hahahaaa >> suka d ketawain laura :P tp krn si papa mintany jd dokter
(LUVDADDY) trus d iming2in klu jd dokter bs kluar negri ikut seminar.. den i SAID YES hahahaaa :D
3. HATE STRANGERS. yap! i DUN like strangers. ak jg gk prnh nge add strangers in frenster fesbuk bla bla bla,. walooooo tampang ny secakep apa puuuuuun... >> si pacar gk prcaya ini :P klu ada yg nge add y d app, tp trus klu d samperin d chat, y ak cuekin,. hahaahaa yeah, i dun like stranger. the first and the last time ak ramah2 ma stranger jg oktober kmrn d YM,. dan trnyata i already knew him in high school,. and he's my boy friend now,. hehehehee thnk God he's not a serial killer :P
4. i'm bad at remembering streets and numbers.
5. AKU = CENGENG. yaaaap!!! T.T
6. Wkt smp,. jaman2ny boyband. cinta matiiii sama the moffatts. hahahaa. norak.
7. i HATE BEING IN NU PLACE NU SITUATION NU CONDITION, krn d dlm ny bnyk NU PEOPLE = STRANGERS. i sometimes dun like 2 socialize.. *ak uda trlalu nyaman ma tmn2 yg ak pny skrg. so i dont need the new one.* >> different with my boyfren,. i know.. :(
8. Phobia ma kecoak, org gila n badut. have bad memories wit dem all. X(
9. Takut sgala hal yg brbau mistik, hantu, dll. walo i can see dem..
10. tiap naik pesawat slalu ngrasa bkl kecelakaan n mati. huufh.
11. i hate vanilla milk. yuuck! :( >> kecuali uda jd es krim hehee
12. ak..uhmm..pndendam. susah bgt maapin slh org.huufh.pgn bgt brubah.
13. i LOVE TRAVELLING. my dad always take me 2 somewer new every year since i was little.
14. ak trauma ma angka 3 in relationship. Ntah knp tiap pacaran gk prnh lbh dr 3 bln. Klu uda mu dkt 3 bln,. i always freak out.. mikir2 niy bkl brakhir gk yaaa.. huufh.. ;((
15. oyeeaaaahh.. cinta ballooooonn.. palg yg bnyaaaakkkk... :)
16. heran bgt knp org2 suka nntn twilight. biasa aj tuh.
17. gk bs hidup tanpa hape. hahhaaa. klu dompet bs minjem uang. ampe bela2in plg lg krmh bwt ambil hp walo uda nympe kampus. :P
18. emosi ak labiiiiillll. jus dont mess with me if i'm not in a gud mud.
19. Ak klu marah merepet ny panjang. hahhaa. ini kata anak2. palg klu ak marahny barengan ryan. duet maut bgt dah. :D
20. i envy models with their skinny body.
21. i REALLY love writing :) dats y i have blog. Gk d bc jg gpp. heheee really.. i juz love 2 write down my feeling..
22. cintaaa hujaaan. LOVE 2 c the raindrops. uuhm,. ^ ^
23. love making frens with guys den girls. cewek tuw ribet, gk bs d andalin klu ada apa2. heheeee. tp skrg pacar saja suda cukuuuuup... ;)
24. i heart angelina jolie. no,. no,. i'm not a lesbian!!
25. Cm pgn hidup ku mudah k dpnny n jalanin ny dgn brsenang2. tp gk mgkin yaah?? hehee :P
uhm,. dats it..
huuufh,. cape jg yaaah.. :P
dong.. dong.. *oon.*
hahahhaaaaah *ktawa smbil nangis.* dasaar gobloook. hr ini ak dongdong lagiiii.. aaaaah oon bgdbgdbgd siiiih.. lagi2 ngulang2 slhnyaaa.. uhuuuuh. aaah. uuuuuuh. aduuuuuuuuuuuuh sayaaaaaaaaannng maafkaaanmaaafkaaaan pacarmuu ini lagilagi begituuuu huhuhuuuuw oon ny keseringaaan kumaaat.. gilaa yaaah heran knp ak bs kuliah d FK hahahahahahaa
sayaaaaaaaaaannggg.. maafkaaaaann...
jd gk bs bubuuuu....
*nangis mratapi kebodohan.*
bagaimaaaanaaa iniiiiii....
what LOVE is...... (YOU)
Love takes time.
It needs a history of giving and receiving, laughing and crying...
Love never promises instant gratification, only ultimate fulfillment.
Love means believing in someone, in something.
It supposes awillingness to struggle, to work, to suffer, and to rejoice.
Satisfaction and ultimate fulfillment are by-products of dedicated love.
They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves; to whom giving is more important than receiving.
Love is doing everything you can to help others build whatever dreams they have.
Love involves much careful and active listening.
It is doing whatever needs to be done, and saving whatever will promote the other's happiness, security, and well-being.
Sometimes, love hurts.......................................
Love is on a constant journey to what others need.
It must be attentive, caring, and open, both to what others say and to what others cannot say.....
Love says no with empathy and great compassion.
Love is firm, but when needed it must be tender.
When others have tried and failed, love is the hand in yours in your moments of discouragement and disappointment.
Love is reliable.
love is a choice and commitment to other's true and lasting happiness.
It is dedicated to growth and fulfillment.
Love is not selfish.
Love sometimes fails for lack of wisdom or abundance of weakness, but it forgives, knowing the intentions are good.
Love does not attach conditions....
Genuine love is always a free gift.
Love realizes and accepts that there will be disagreements and disturbing emotions...
There may be times when miles lay between, but love is a commitment.
It believes and endures things.
Love encourages freedom of self.
Love shares positives and negatives reactions to warm and cold feelings.
Love, intimate love, will never reject others.
It is the first to encourage and the last to condemn.
Love is a commitment to growth, happiness, and fulfillment of one another.
_Barb upham_
for me....
Love is YOU.
"For you see, each day i love you more..
today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow."
huaaaa senangnyaaaa............
so hepi.
^ ^
i really had ENOUGH.
i had enough.
kykny smua yg ak lakuin,.
yg ak korbanin bwt kmu g prnh ada artiny.
*ttp ngrasa not gud enough 4 u.*
kok kyk ny cm ak aj yg nurutin smuany,.
knp ak jd kliatan kyk org bodoh d crita niy skrg,.
y uda lah,.
ak nyerah.
ak uda ngrti kok smuany.
ak g bkl maksa apa pun lg k kmu,.
ak uda ngrti.
_i'm with you_
its been ages since the last time i saw rainbow,.
is der anyone wanna take me 2 see it??
take my hand,.
take me with you,.
i feel so lost,.
lonely here,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,,..,,..,..
ngupil,. oh,. ngupil,.
sbnrny ini kejadianny kmrn,. cm bru smpt posting skrg,.
critany ak otw kampus mu kuliah,.
(yg akhirny brakhir jd nongkrong d DPR AB. hehehe.)
pas d traffic light yg lg merah,. ak nukar2 cd n NGACA.
*wanita,. oh,. wanita. =P*
eh,. ntah knp saia brhasrat n brnapsu bgt nglied k mobil d sebelah,.
*yg slanjutny menyesal dgn penampakan yg ada.*
bapak2 d mobil sebelah saia,.
sedang dengan nikmatny,.
jeng,. jeng,. jeng,.